What Is AWS DevOps? Everything You Need To Know

November 20th, 2023
What Is AWS DevOps

DevOps is a term that everyone in the tech world is aware of. Derived by amalgamating two words- development and operations, DevOps is a combination of tools, practices, and cultural philosophies. It aids in increasing the organization's capabilities regarding delivering services and applications at a high velocity.

The market size for DevOps has grown manifold in the last few years. It has gone from $10.56 USD to $12.8 billion USD in only one year (2023 to 2024). Thus, exhibiting a CAGR of 21.2%.

Amazon Web Services or AWS is a cloud computing provider that provides all the features and services typically enjoyed with an in-house data center. While you will need to enroll in an AWS DevOps online training program to completely understand it, here are a few things to know. Let us begin by unlocking an answer to ‘what is AWS DevOps' and a quick peek at the benefits of AWS DevOps.

What Is AWS DevOps?

AWS DevOps brings the scalability and agility of AWS infrastructure and pairs it with the collaboration and efficiency of DevOps practices. Its key emphasis lies on the automation of processes that ultimately enables the operations and the development teams to work closely throughout the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle). This collaboration between the two ensures improved quality, better customer satisfaction, and faster time-to-market.

It can also be regarded as the solution offered by Amazon to apply DevOps methodology by making use of its specialized services, tools, and cloud platform.

What Is AWS DevOps

What Are The Benefits of AWS DevOps?

It has become an integral aspect of today's SDLC. Here are some of its key benefits.

1. Less Time to Market

Delivery of applications becomes a less tedious and less time-consuming task with this. Since bottlenecks and manual efforts are reduced, enterprises enjoy less time to market and eventually gain a competitive edge.

2. Boosts Operational Effectiveness

Operational effectiveness gets a boost when organizations implement this model in their ecosystem. As infrastructure administration and provisioning gets automated, IT professionals get more time to get working on projects.

3. Enhanced Collaboration

This model or tool promotes collaboration between operations and development teams by encouraging cross-functional working and breaking silos. Thus, improving communication, resolving issues, and streamlining workflows.

4. Improved Software Quality

It lays deep focus on automation and CI/CD. This aids in early identification and fixing of issues in the SDLC, leading to reduced errors, reliable application, and enhanced software quality.

5. Streamlined Compliance

For a lot of businesses, compliance with industry standards and regulations plays a big role. This model offers various features and frameworks that aid in meeting their requirements.

How Does AWS DevOps Work?

Now that you know what AWS DevOps is, and how organizations benefit from it, here is a quick look at the AWS DevOps steps.

1. Planning & Development

This is the phase where developers plan and develop an application, create the codebase for it as per the required infrastructure, and define the requirements. This first step plays a big role in how the further AWS DevOps process goes.

2. Continuous Integration

In the second step of the AWS DevOps process, developers integrate the code continuously into a shared repository. Many tools such as AWS CodeBuilder and AWS CodePipeline are used to automatically test and build code changes. This ensues the code is of premium quality and bug-free prior to deployment. Any integration issues are also caught and resolved here.

3. Continuous Delivery

In this phase, the application is automatically built, deployed, and tested to the production environment by the developer. Again, tools such as AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline are used, so that all code changes are automatically deployed to production environments. All new features are rapidly reflected to the customers.

4. Monitoring & Feedback

This is where the operations team comes into the picture to monitor the app and offer feedback to the development team. Many tools are used, including AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch, which aid in monitoring the infrastructure and application performance. The aim is to identify and resolve any issues before they reach and impact the customer.

5. Continuous Improvement

The development team here works to continuously improve the app on the basis of the feedback they get from the operations team. There are plenty of DevOps tools offered by AWS. These include AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeCommit, all of which play a huge role in the DevOps process. These tools help in the automation of different stages, which render is more reliable, efficient, and faster.

6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

To define infrastructure as code (IaC), many tools such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation are used. It all aids teams to manage and version control their infrastructure in a way similar to the management of the codebase of software products.

AWS DevOps Architecture

AWS DevOps Architecture comprises of various elements and here are a few of them-

1. Load Balancing

A majority of web app architectures showcase load balancing as a key feature. The EC2 traffic is distributed by virtual network application and can further be scaled down or scaled up as per the requirements of the traffic.

2. Elastic Caches

Elastic caches manage the memory cache in AWS cloud by caching the data that is most often used.

3. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Users are given two options for accessing, storing, and backing-up their web app data and other assets. Users are given a basic UI to manage any amount of data anywhere and at any time.

4. Amazon Security Group (ASG)

The ASG is designed by keeping system security in the mind. Since security is a priority for all organizations, the ASG works as an inbound network firewall.

5. Amazon Auto-Scaling

This feature creates various groups of servers that can be used to reduce or expand according to the user's needs and demands.

Also Read- How To Become An AWS Certified Developer Associate?

AWS DevOps Tools

Amazon offers a wide range of tools and services to help companies in implementing DevOps model. Some of the top AWS DevOps tools on the list are-

  1. AWS CodeCommit
  2. AWS CodeDeploy
  3. AWS Cloud Development Kit
  4. AWS CloudFormation
  5. AWS CodePipeline
  6. AWS CodeStar
  7. AWS X-Ray
  8. AWS Device Farm
  9. AWS CodeBuild

What is the Future Scope of AWS DevOps?

Future Scope of AWS DevOps

There is no end to how widely and vastly this model by AWS can be used. If you are interested in knowing the future scope of AWS DevOps, then you are at the right place. Here is a list of five ways in which it will definitely be used in the future.

1. AI and ML Integration

Advancing AI and ML has enabled AWS DevOps to leverage them for enhancing intelligent monitoring, automation, and predictive analytics.

2. IaC Advancements

IaC or Infrastructure as Code is a fundamental concept that enables management and provisioning of infrastructure via code. These IaC frameworks and tools are sure to expand in the future.

3. Cloud-Native Monitoring and Observability

The future is bright with advancements in cloud-native observability and monitoring practices.

4. Serverless Computing Adoption

Serverless computing like AWS Lambda is increasingly becoming popular. It facilitates developers in focusing on writing code without needing to manage infrastructure.

5. Microservices & Containerization

Containerization technologies and Microservices architecture facilitates smaller division of applications. This trend can be leveraged by DevOps model to efficiently scale, manage, and deploy microservices-based apps in the future.

You May Also Read - AWS DevOps Guide: How To Become An AWS DevOps Engineer

How To Learn AWS DevOps?

Here is how you can learn AWS DevOps-

1. Start with the Basics

The world of AWS and DevOps model is huge and that requires understanding the basics and the fundamental concepts. This includes understanding CI/CD, automated testing, and version control systems.

2. Take AWS DevOps Online Course

Enrolling in an AWS DevOps online course will help you learn a lot about the field by exploring the opportunity to learn from industry experts. Start your journey with the right learning platform today.

3. Read Books & Online Resources

The world of the internet is a boon for those who wish to learn continuously. There are plenty of online sources that offer exceptional learning material. However, if you are someone who wishes to get certified, then maybe choosing a course will be a better idea.

4. Practice As Much As You Can

There is nothing you can do to make your career a success unless you practice what you learn. The best way to get going is definitely to start a job or an internship.


Amazon Web Services with DevOps has become a key component in helping companies to securely and efficiently automate development to facilitate rapid and reliable software delivery. This blog is only a glimpse into what you can do with AWS and DevOps.

So, if you want to start your journey in this technology then you may consider AWS DevOps certification course offered by igmGuru and can gain deep knowledge to ensure a successful run in the field. A good certification course will give you the opportunity to learn from industry experts and learn by working. Start your journey with the best and explore top career opportunities.

AWS DevOps FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What should I learn in AWS for DevOps?

Ans. Skills to learn in AWS for DevOps are -

  • Continuous delivery
  • Observability
  • IaaS
  • Cloud skills
  • Automation
  • Containers, etc. 

Q2. What do I need to know before learning DevOps?

Ans. If you wish to become a DevOps engineer, you must know -

  • Expertise with automation tools
  • Speed and logic
  • Expertise with programming languages
  • Communication and collaboration, etc. 

Q3. Do we need coding for AWS DevOps?

Ans. Yes, scripting and coding are among the prime skills for anyone who wishes to work in DevOps.

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AWS DevOps TrainingEvery WeekdaysView Details
AWS DevOps TrainingEvery WeekendView Details

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