Top Five Generative AI Courses

Top Five Generative AI Courses For Beginners [2024]

Vidhi Gupta
April 30th, 2024
4:00 Minutes

Hundreds of generative AI applications have come forth in the short span that it has been around. It has resulted in many people realizing the scope that this technology embodies within itself. Since it is still in its evolving phase, it's best learned with the help of professionals. Here are the top five generative AI courses for beginners to begin with.

This list is a compilation of both paid and free gen AI courses. It's apt for those who're only trying to get an idea about the field as well as those who're willing to invest in upskilling themselves. Each course has something unique to offer and it's best to pick depending upon career goals and existing job titles.

Top Generative AI Courses to Get Started!

This is the best way to step into the world of gen AI and explore all key concepts associated with it. Get more knowledge about concepts like deep learning, generative models, neural networks and many more. Pick a course that fits well with your needs and future plans.

1. Data Science with Generative AI by igmGuru

Rating: 5

Price: Watch First Class Free

Data Science with Generative AI by igmGuru is a great pick for those who wish to explore the technical side of this leading technology. Since gen AI has become an essential skill to succeed in the field of data science, this course is like killing two birds with one stone.

Watch 1st class free to get a better idea about the trainer's teaching pattern and style. The curriculum is available on the website which clearly indicates gaining prowess in applying Gen AI for data science. Begin with the basics of gen AI, moving on to prompt engineering concepts, tools, techniques, model development, visualizations, and data generation.

It's a paid course but totally worth the investment. This program spans around 35 hours, which can take anywhere between 4-6 weeks.

Enroll in igmGuru's Generative AI course to learn complete Gen AI by industry experts.

2. Introduction To Generative AI By Google

Rating: 5

Price: Free

Introduction to Generative AI by Google is a free course containing only one module. As suggested by the name, it's an introductory level course offering microlearning. It covers only a few topics like what is gen AI, how it's used and what makes it different from traditional ML methods.

Since it's offered by Google, it's a trusted course that can be taken to get an overview of this field.

3. Generative AI For Everyone by DeepLearning.AI

Rating: 4

Price: Paid

Generative AI for Everyone by DeepLearning.AI is a paid course taught by Andrew Ng, an AI pioneer. He takes the learner on a journey of empowerment to enable them to optimally integrate this technology in everyday tasks. Learn more about concepts like prompt engineering, moving on to advanced AI uses.

The hands-on exercises are a great way to learn about GenAI's limitations, potential, use cases and real-world applications. These projects are a good way to implement the learnings and witness the impact of this technology on various tasks and situations.

You May Also Read - How To Learn Generative AI From Scratch?

4. Generative AI Fundamentals By IBM

Rating: 4

Price: Paid

IBM offers plenty of courses on gen AI and one of them is this amazing course titled Generative AI Fundamentals. This is a beginner level paid course that does not require the aspirant to have any prior experience or knowledge in this particular sector.

Spanning around 20 hours, the course covers key GenAI fundamental concepts, applications, models and tools. This course is a great way to gain understanding of the imperative techniques for prompt engineering. Gain knowledge of the foundation models and building blocks like GPT and DALL-E. This program also includes hands-on labs.

5. Deep Generative Models by Stanford University

Rating: 5

Price: Paid

Another top course to consider is Deep Generative Models by Stanford University. It's a long, paid course for extensive learning and growth in the field. This program covers deep generative models which are the imperative for probabilistic reasoning.

Learn all about the recent advancements that have happened and expected changes in gen models. It covers topics like autoregressive models, energy-based models, variational autoencoders, adversarial networks and more. It's more appropriate for those who have basic knowledge in ML, DL, AI or probabilistic graphical models.

Why Learn Generative AI?

Many people wonder if gen AI is worth learning. Well, it certainly is and that's because of the plenty of transformations it is bringing about.

  • Career Opportunities - There is a great scope for career growth as one learns more about gen AI. Many believe that this technology is the reason behind many people losing their jobs, but it's also the reason behind many getting employed. Those with skills in this tech will certainly get more opportunities in the coming years.
  • Personal Growth - Learning Gen AI is something that focuses on personal growth. Learning it is a great way to upskill oneself, both on monetary and exploration levels.
  • Futuristic Skill - There is hardly any job that will stay unaffected by GenAI. This makes it a futuristic skill that might become a must-have for all job titles and roles.


There is no end to the number of generative AI courses available in the market. But among the lot, these ones mentioned here are certainly enough to help aspirants get started in the right direction. The future that is associated with GenAI is extremely bright, and a good course plays a significant role to make it come true.

FAQs for Generative AI Courses

Q1. Is ChatGPT generative AI?

ChatGPT is a brilliant example of the advancements happening in gen AI. It has many amazing features that have enabled organizations and individuals to accelerate certain tasks and processes. While there are limitations too, it has made generative AI a household name.

Q2. Can I learn AI in 3 months?

Yes, AI can be learned in 3 months but it will take much longer to become perfect in this field. This is also the case because this field is still experiencing changes continuously.

Q3. How to learn generative AI for free?

There are many free sources to get an idea about what gen AI is. But when it comes to learning it, a course led by professionals should be favored.

Course Schedule

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Generative AI TrainingEvery WeekdayView Details
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