Generative AI Models

Introduction To Generative AI Models

Vidhi Gupta
July 11th, 2024
6:00 Minutes

Top Generative AI Models

Generative AI models are behind the revolution that many fields are enjoying. It has done so by enabling the creation of original and new content. Some of the most popular and widely used generative AI models are-

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

GANs were invented by Ian Goodfellow in 2014. These include two neural networks. The first is the generator and second is the discriminator. Both of these are pitted against one another. The former creates data, while the latter evaluates it. This leads to significantly enhanced outputs.


        • Video synthesis
        • Image generation (e.g., DeepArt, StyleGAN)
        • Data augmentation


        • High-quality & realistic outputs
        • Various distinct applications in multiple domains


        • Training might be unstable & needs high-level computational resources

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        Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

        VAEs were invented by Kingma & Welling in 2013. These encode input data inside a latent space. Once there, it is decoded back. The purpose is to introduce some noise for the creation of variability in the outputs.


        • Anomaly detection
        • Image & video generation
        • Data compression


          • Apt for generating distinct outputs
          • Robust training process


          • Outputs are generally less sharp as compared to GANs

          Transformer-based Models

          Transformer-based models were invented by Vaswani et al. in 2017. Transformers employ self-attention mechanisms for processing input data in parallel. This renders them exceptionally beneficial for sequence-to-sequence tasks.


          • Language translation (for instance, BERT)
          • Text generation (for instance, GPT-4)
          • Question answering


          • Brilliant at understanding & generating human language
          • Great range of NLP applications


          • Large models need extensive computational resources
          • Various ethical concerns in relation to text generation

          DALL-E 2

          DALL-E2 was invented by OpenAI in 2021. It is a popular model that fluently generates images from the textual descriptions entered by the users. It employs a blend of diffusion techniques and transformer models.


          • Marketing & advertising visuals
          • Artistic creation
          • Concept art


          • Produces high-quality & detailed images efficiently from text prompts
          • Many creative applications


          • Limited access because of ethical considerations & high demand

          Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) & Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)

          Both of these were invented by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber in 1997. LSTMs and RNNs are crafted to work with sequential data. This is done by maintaining a core memory of previous inputs. This makes them apt for language data and time-series.


          • Text generation
          • Music generation
          • Time-series forecasting


          • Best for tasks around sequential data
          • Easily model temporal dependencies


          • Training is usually slow & complex
          • Showcase less effectiveness than transformers, especially for some NLP tasks

          Related Article- Introduction To Generative AI Tools

          Types of Generative AI Models

          Generative AI models comprise plenty of technologies crafted to create new content. This content could be text, images, music, or any other forms of media. Some of the most prominent types of generative AI models are:

          Generative Adversarial Networks

          GANs have two neural networks - a generator and a discriminator. The first one creates synthetic data like text or images. The second one evaluates the generated data's authenticity against real examples. This process leads to continuous improvement in the generator output unless it produces only highly realistic content. They are used widely in different image generation tasks like enhancing visual data and creating photorealistic images.

          Transformer-based Models

          Transformers have completely revolutionized NLP tasks. This is done by using self-attention mechanisms for processing and generating sequences of data. Its models like GPT can generate contextually relevant and coherent text as per the given input. Transformers are great in tasks like text summarization, dialogue generation and language translation.

          Variational Autoencoders

          VAEs work by understanding a latent representation of input data. It comprises an encoder and a decoder. The first one compresses the input data into a latent space. The second reconstructs data from the said latent space. This model introduces high randomness into the latent space. It enables new data sample generation, which mimics the original data distribution. They are used in anomaly detection, data compression and image synthesis.

          Deep Generative Models

          Deep generative models bring together DL techniques with probabilistic modeling. The goal is to generate new data samples. Such models generally involve complicated training procedures and architectures to understand the underlying data structure. They are highly versatile and can be easily adapted to perform multiple generative tasks. These include video synthesis, reinforcement learning environments and image generation.

          Auto-regressive Models

          Auto-regressive models are used for generating output sequences, one element at a time. Each output relies on the prior generated elements. Models like Long Short-Term Memory and Recurrent Neural Network are under this category. They are useful for generating data sequences like music, time-series predictions and text. These models are highly capable of capturing temporal dependencies. They're used in tasks like music composition, handwriting generation and speech recognition.

          Every generative AI model brings its specific applications and strengths to the table. They lead to distinct types of creative endeavors and generative tasks. The continuous advancements in the field of AI research are pushing their boundaries. Their achieving capabilities are being rewritten, promising more sophisticated and better generative capabilities in the coming years.

          Conclusion For Generative AI Models

          To summarize, AI generative models have transformed content production and innovation by allowing robots to produce realistic data. AI generative models, including GANs, VAEs, auto-regressive, and deep generative, have opened up various new possibilities. As we look to the future, AI generative models will keep influencing creativity and drive innovation in new manners.

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