Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions

Top 50+ Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions & Answers

Vidhi Gupta
July 30th, 2024
45:00 Minutes

An Overview To Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions

Google Cloud Platform, better known as GCP, is a suite of cloud services. It is crafted to offer support to different computing needs like machine learning, data storage, developer tools and networking. It's a leading cloud provider and offers reliable and scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. This blog is to help you prepare for Google Cloud Platform interview questions by covering their answers and important topics.

Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions

Q1. What are the top benefits for organizations using GCP?

Ans: Organizations benefit immensely by using GCP. These are-

  • Reliability: GCP provides a reliable and robust infrastructure with high-level availability.
  • Scalability: It automatically scales the resources down or up as per the demand.
  • Cost-efficiency: Offers a pay-as-you-use pricing model to organizations. This helps in reducing overall costs.
  • Global Reach: Provides a globally spread network of data centers. This ensures high performance and low latency.
  • Security: Helps implement high-level security measures to ensure protection for applications and data.

Q2. What are the different types of GCP services?

Ans. GCP services can be broadly categorized into these types -

  • Storage: Persistent Disk, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Bigtable, Cloud Spanner, Datastore.
  • Compute: App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Compute Engine, Cloud Functions.
  • Networking: Cloud Load Balancing, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud Interconnect, Cloud CDN.
  • Machine Learning: AutoML, AI Platform, TensorFlow on GCP.
  • Big Data: Dataflow, BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Dataproc.
  • Management Tools: Cloud Deployment Manager, Cloud Console, Cloud Logging, Cloud Monitoring.
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Q3. What do you understand about Google Cloud Storage?

Ans. Google Cloud Storage refers to a secure and scalable object storage service. It is crafted for accessing and storing huge amounts of unstructured data. It presents various storage classes such as Nearline, Standard, Archive and Coldline. Each of these helps in optimizing costs as per access frequency. Cloud Storage is apt for various use cases like archival, content delivery and data backups.

Q4. What is Google Compute Engine?

Ans. Google Compute Engine, often known as GCE, is the IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service component of GCP. It offers virtual machines that work on Google's infrastructure. It enables users to manage and create VMs, manage storage and configure networking. It offers unprecedented support to many operating systems. It is crafted for large-scale workloads and high-performance computing.

Q5. What is BigQuery?

Ans. BigQuery refers to a serverless and fully-managed data warehouse. It helps users in analyzing gigantic datasets via SQL queries. It is crafted to process and analyze huge volumes of data efficiently and quickly. BigQuery is known for its integration with multiple data visualization and ingestion tools. This integration renders it to be a powerful tool for analytics and business intelligence.

Q6. What is meant by Cloud Pub/Sub?

Ans. Cloud Pub/Sub refers to a messaging service. It allows apps to communicate non synchronously as it sends messages to and from between independent components. It renders support to real-time data streaming and event-driven architectures. Pub/Sub makes sure that businesses achieve reliable message delivery and helps them in scaling to handle huge volumes of data.

Q7. How is Cloud SQL different from Cloud Spanner?

Ans. Cloud SQL refers to a managed relational database (DB) service. It supports PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MySQL DBs. It is apt for small to medium-sized apps needing traditional relational DB features.

Cloud Spanner is a completely managed, strongly consistent and horizontally scalable relational DB service. It is crafted for mission-critical apps that need global distribution, ACID transactions and high availability.

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Q8. What is meant by Cloud Functions?

Ans. Cloud Functions, in simple terms, refers to a serverless compute service. It enables users to run code as a consequence to events without the need to manage servers. It renders support to many programming languages. It also integrates with many other GCP services. It is apt for event-driven, lightweight applications. For instance, responding to HTTP requests or processing files in Cloud Storage.

Q9. Explain Cloud Identity and Access Management.

Ans. Google Cloud Identity and Access Management, more often called IAM, offers deep access control to the resources on GCP. IAM helps administrators in managing who has what kind of access to which all resources. It offers support for role-based access control (RBAC) too. It's easily integrated with multiple identity providers to ensure centralized access management.

Q10. Explain Cloud Dataflow in simple words.

Ans. Cloud Dataflow refers to a completely managed service for batch and stream data processing. It helps users in creating data processing pipelines to analyze and transform data in batch or real-time modes. Cloud Dataflow is influenced by Apache Beam and offers many powerful features for aggregations, data transformations and windowing.

Q11. Explain Cloud Load Balancing.

Ans. Cloud Load Balancing pertains to a completely distributed and software-defined managed service. This service facilitates users to segregate traffic across various back-end instances. It also enhances the reliability and availability of apps by sharing incoming traffic among healthy instances.

Q12. Explain how GCP ensures data security.

Ans. GCP gives assurance about data security via several measures. These include

  • Compliance: Adheres to the industry regulations and standards.
  • Identity and Access Management: Deep access control to key resources.
  • Encryption: Data is safely encrypted both at rest and in transit.
  • VPC: Isolated & secure network environments.
  • Security Tools: Offers many built-in tools for logging, managing and monitoring security.
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Introduction to GCP Data Engineer

A GCP Data Engineer is responsible for designing and managing scalable data solutions and infrastructure on this platform. These professionals handle data storage, ingestion, analysis and processing through services like Dataflow, Pub/Sub and BigQuery. All this ensures that the data is reliable, optimized and accessible for performance in support of business analytics and intelligence.

Top GCP Data Engineer Interview Questions

Q13. What is the role played by a Data Engineer in regards to GCP?

Ans. A GCP Data Engineer designs, builds, and manages data pipelines. The goal is to ensure data is processed, ingested, analyzed and stored efficiently. They utilize various GCP services such as Dataflow, BigQuery, Cloud Storage and Pub/Sub to handle gigantic data workloads. This ensures data consistency, performance and availability for analytics and ML applications.

Q14. Define a Dataflow pipeline.

Ans. A Dataflow pipeline refers to a directed graph of steps. It processes data in multiple stages that can also be executed parallelly. It usually includes reading data from a particular source, transforming it, and then writing it to a sink. These pipelines are capable of being run in either stream or batch processing modes. This capability makes them apt for both real-time data analysis and historical data processing.

Q15. What do you understand about Google Cloud Data Fusion?

Ans. Google Cloud Data Fusion can be explained as a completely managed, cloud-native data integration service. This service makes it possible for users to build and manage data pipelines efficiently. It also offers a visual interface to design ETL (extract, transform, load) workflows. This enables users to prepare, transform and clean data from various sources for reporting and analytics.

Q16. What is Cloud Composer? How is it utilized?

Ans. Cloud Composer pertains to a managed workflow orchestration service that is built on Apache Airflow. This service allows its users to schedule, monitor and create complicated data workflows. It also aids in automating and managing data pipelines, ETL processes and many other workflows across GCP services. All this guarantees that tasks are reliably executed on time.

Q17. Explain the concept of Datalab in GCP.

Ans. Google Cloud Datalab is basically an interactive ML and data analysis environment that's built on Jupyter notebooks. It offers a convenient manner for data scientists and engineers to analyze, explore, process and visualize data via SQL and Python. It seamlessly integrates with Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and other different GCP services to render it easier to work with huge datasets.

Q18. What role does Google Cloud Storage play in data engineering?

Ans. Google Cloud Storage is a secure and scalable object storage service curated to store gigantic volumes of unstructured data. It is particularly utilized in data engineering for storing intermediate data, final output and raw data from data pipelines. Cloud Storage also offers many storage classes for optimizing costs as per data access patterns. It integrates well with other GCP services to ensure seamless data processing.

Q19. How does Cloud SQL vary from Google Cloud Storage?

Ans. Cloud SQL is a managed relational DB service rendering support to PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MySQL. Google Cloud Storage, on the other hand, refers to an object storage service. It is especially crafted to store massive volumes of unstructured data, like backups and media files. Cloud SQL is employed for structured data that necessitates ACID transactions, while Cloud Storage is employed for unstructured data having varied access patterns.

Q20. Explain ETL and how it is important in data engineering.

Ans. ETL is the acronym for Extract, Transform, Load. ETL refers to a data integration process that includes these steps. Each step is imperative in data engineering.

  • It extracts data from multiple sources.
  • It transforms this extracted data into an apt structure or format for analysis.
  • Finally, it loads this transformed data into a target data warehouse or database.

ETL is highly important in data engineering because it makes sure data is always consistent, ready for analysis and clean. All these pointers enable reliable and accurate insights.

Q21. Mention the top features of Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Ans. Some of the top features of Google Cloud Pub/Sub are mentioned here.

  • Scalability: It can easily handle gigantic volumes of messages.
  • Durability: It takes care of message retention even if subscribers or publishers fail.
  • Global availability: It offers global service endpoints at very low latency.
  • Real-time messaging: It facilitates real-time data streaming.
  • Integration: It integrates easily with many other GCP services such as BigQuery and Dataflow.

Q22. How is Google Cloud Dataprep beneficial for data engineers?

Ans. Google Cloud Dataprep is an extremely intelligent data service to visually explore, prepare and clean data for analysis. It employs ML for suggesting data transformations and even automates monotonous and repetitive tasks. Thus, it aids data engineers and analysts in preparing the data quickly for downstream processing in Dataflow, BigQuery or other related GCP services.

Q23. Describe Bigtable and its use cases.

Ans. Bigtable refers to a completely scalable and managed NoSQL DB created for large operational and analytical workloads. It offers low-latency and high-throughput access to data. This renders it apt for use cases like IoT data, financial data analysis and time-series data. Bigtable also integrates seamlessly with various other GCP services such as Dataflow and BigQuery.

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Introduction to GCP Architect

A GCP Architect is a professional who designs and implements scalable, secure and robust cloud solutions. These experts use GCP services for optimizing cost, reliability and performance. Thus, consequently, promising seamless alignment and integration with business goals. They hold great expertise in networking, infrastructure, security and data management.

Top GCP Architect Interview Questions

Q24. Mention the key role and responsibilities of a GCP Architect.

Ans. A GCP Architect is responsible for designing secure, cost-effective and scalable cloud solutions. These professionals handle networking, cloud infrastructure, security, compliance and data management. All these responsibilities help in bringing forth seamless integration with current systems. They optimize cloud resources, establish best practices to deploy and manage GCP services, and guide cloud migrations too.

Q25. Explain the different kinds of load balancing in GCP.

There are plenty of different kinds of load balancing in GCP.

  • Internal Load Balancing: Helps manage traffic within a VPC.
  • TCP/SSL Proxy Load Balancing: Aids in handling SSL and TCP traffic.
  • HTTP(S) Load Balancing: Helps in distributing HTTPS and HTTP traffic.
  • Network Load Balancing: It moves traffic as per the IP protocol data.

Q26. Mention the best practices to secure a GCP environment.

Some of the key best practices to secure a GCP environment are-

  • Using firewalls & VPCs: It isolates resources and controls traffic.
  • Implementing IAM principles: It means projecting least privilege access.
  • Regular audits: Conducting vulnerability assessments and security audits.
  • Encrypting data: It makes sure data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
  • Monitoring & logging: It includes employing Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring for real-time visibility.

Q27. How is Google Cloud Storage different from Google Cloud Datastore?

Ans. Google Cloud Storage refers to an object storage service, which is particularly created for storing gigantic amounts of unstructured data. Google Cloud Datastore, on the contrary, is a NoSQL document DB that is optimized especially for safeguarding structured data via support for ACID transactions. The former is apt for backups and media files, while the latter is mostly utilized for application metadata and data.

Q28. How can compliance be ensured in a GCP environment?

To ensure compliance in a GCP environment, these things should be kept in mind-

  • Audit logs: Maintain extensive logs for auditing and monitoring.
  • Encrypting data: Ensures encryption in transit and at rest.
  • Using IAM & VPC Service Controls: Implements data boundaries and access.
  • Compliance certifications: Uses GCP's compliance services and certifications, like Cloud Security Command Center to monitor compliance status.

Q29. What is the usage of Terraform with GCP?

Ans. Terraform refers to an open-source IaC tool that enables the user to provision and define GCP resources via configuration files. It also helps in reusable modules, automation of infrastructure management and deployment, and version control. It integrates impeccably with GCP to flawlessly manage resources such as networks, storage and VMs consistently and repeatedly.

Q30. Explain the working of Google Cloud VPC.

Ans. Google Cloud VPC, which stands for Virtual Private Cloud, offers a flexible and scalable network environment for the organization's GCP resources. It enables the user to create subnets, configure firewall and routing rules and define IP ranges to control traffic. VPCs have the potential to span various regions and are logically isolated. This guarantees efficient and secure resource communication.

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Q31. How can a high availability architecture be designed on GCP?

Ans. Here are some ways to design a high availability architecture on GCP-

  • Auto-scaling: This involves adjusting the resource capacity as per the demand automatically.
  • Load balancing: This involves employing regional and global load balancers for traffic distribution.
  • Multi-region & multi-zone deployments: It includes distribution of resources across various zones and regions to deflect single points of failure.
  • Redundancy & failover: It pertains to implementation of automatic failover mechanisms and redundant components.

Q32. How is Local SSD different from Persistent Disk?

Ans. Local SSD offers low-latency and faster storage that is attached directly to the VM. At the same time, it is ephemeral, which means that data gets lost if the VM is terminated or stopped. Persistent Disk, on the contrary, is network-attached and durable storage. It is apt for a majority of workloads that offer high redundancy and availability. Persistent Disk is apt for data that requires persistent, whereas Local SSD is apt for temporary and high-performance data needs.

Q33. When are Google Cloud Functions used?

Ans. Google Cloud Functions are apt for event-driven and lightweight apps. These include handling Cloud Pub/Sub messages, reacting to changes in Cloud Storage and processing HTTP requests. Cloud Functions help in automatically scaling and eliminating the necessity for infrastructure management.

Q34. What does Cloud Spanner mean? Write its key features.

Ans. Cloud Spanner refers to a completely scalable, managed and globally distributed SQL database. Some of its key features are-

  • High availability: It offers automatic failover and built-in replication.
  • Strong consistency: It guarantees transactional consistency throughout regions.
  • Horizontal scalability: It renders support to petabytes of data.
  • SQL support: It amalgamates the perks of relational databases and horizontal scaling.
Also Read- Google Cloud Platform Tutorial

Introduction to Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a compilation of various cloud computing services that offers secure, efficient and scalable solutions for enterprises. This incorporates data analytics, infrastructure, application development and ML tools. This helps organizations in innovating and operating with high reliability and performance.

Top Google Cloud Interview Questions

Q35. Simply explain the pay-as-you-go model offered in GCP.

Ans. GCP offers a pay-as-you-go model that enables users to only pay for the resources that are being used by them. In short, there is neither an upfront cost nor any termination fees. This great pricing model aids organizations in managing their costs by scaling their resources up or even down as per the demand, leading to cost efficiency.

Q36. Explain Google Cloud Regions and Zones in short.

Ans. Google Cloud Regions refer to geographic areas that consist of various data centers called Zones. Regions offer low latency and high availability for services. Zones, on the contrary, that are within a region offer resource redundancy and fault tolerance.

Q37. What is understood by Cloud Source Repositories?

Ans. Cloud Source Repositories can be understood as a completely-managed Git repository service on the Google platform. It offers a scalable and secure environment to host code. This further enables collaboration and version control among development teams.

Q38. Explain Google Cloud Console.

Ans. Google Cloud Console refers to a web-based interface that enables its users to effectively manage key GCP resources. It offers many tools for configuring, managing and monitoring services. This helps users in performing tasks such as managing databases, setting up networking and deploying applications.

Q39. What are Google Cloud Endpoints?

Ans. Google Cloud Endpoints refers to a service that equips users to deploy, manage and develop APIs. It offers many features like monitoring, logging and authentication, which helps developers in building reliable and secure APIs for their apps

Q40. Explain what Google Cloud AutoML is.

Ans. Google Cloud AutoML can be explained as a suite of ML products that helps developers in building custom models with least ML expertise. It offers tools for evaluating, deploying and training models. This simplifies the entire process of implementing ML solutions.

Q41. Explain what Google Cloud Deployment Manager is.

Ans. Google Cloud Deployment Manager refers to an infrastructure management service. It automates the management and creation of GCP resources via configuration files. It guarantees repeatable and consistent deployments as it defines dependencies and resources in templates.

Q42. What do you understand about Google Cloud Memorystore?

Ans. Google Cloud Memorystore can be best understood as an in-memory data store service for Memcached and Redis that is completely managed . It offers low-latency data access, which makes it apt for session management, real-time analytics applications and caching.

Q43. How can a disaster recovery plan on GCP be designed for a mission-critical app?

Ans. [This is a scenario-based question]. It is best to begin by explaining the key approach taken to set up multi-region backups by employing Google Cloud Storage for snapshots. Explain how this enables Cloud SQL in automatic backups and configuring replication and failover for high availability.

Q44. What measures can be taken to secure a Google Cloud VPC?

Ans. Securing a Google Cloud VPC entails implementing firewall rules, which will help in controlling traffic. VPC Service Controls are used to protect data, which enables private Google Access in restricting access to Google services. Applying IAM roles will limit user permissions. Regular monitoring and audits of network activity is also an essential step.

Q45. What are the considerations to deploy a multi-region app in GCP?

Ans. To deploy a multi-region app in GCP, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. First is making sure of low latency via region selection. Second is setting up global load balancing. Third is using Cloud Spanner for globally consistent DBs. Fourth is planning for disaster recovery. It is also critical to maintain and monitor data consistency throughout regions.

Q46. How is a data lake implemented on GCP?

Ans. To implement a data lake on GCP, it is important to use BigQuery for analysis and data warehousing, Cloud Storage for strong raw data, Dataproc for batch processing via Spark and Hadoop, and Dataflow for ETL processes. Implementing IAM encryption and policies ensures data compliance and security.

Q47. How can capacity planning be approached for GCP resources?

Ans. Capacity planning for GCP resources includes many aspects. These are forecasting future needs, analyzing historical usage data, utilizing managed services to tackle scalability automatically, and setting up alerts for resource limits. Regular adjustments and reviews help in cost management and optimal resource utilization.

Q48. How is Terraform used to manage GCP infrastructure?

Ans. Using Terraform includes a couple of things. First is writing configuration files for defining GCP resources. Second is employing Terraform commands for planning and applying infrastructure changes. Third is securely storing state files. All this facilitates IaC, which further ensures repeatable and consistent deployments.

Explore our article, suggested by experts, on How to Prepare For Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Certification?

Introduction to GCP DevOps

GCP DevOps brings together GCP services to streamline operations and development workflows. This leads to continuous integration and continuous deployment, automated monitoring and infrastructure as code. It accelerates software delivery, ensures high scalability and availability for cloud-oriented apps and improves collaboration.

GCP DevOps Interview Questions

Q49. Name the main components of a CI/CD pipeline on the Google Cloud Platform.

Ans. The main components of a CI/CD pipeline on GCP are Cloud Build (for automated builds), Cloud Source Repositories (for version control), Cloud Run/ Kubernetes Engine (for hosting the apps), and Cloud Deploy (for deployment automation).

Q50. How can the provisioning of GCP resources be automated?

Ans. Provisioning of GCP resources can be automated by using various tools. These include Terraform or Google Cloud Deployment Manager for defining infrastructure templates and automating the provisioning process via configuration files and scripts.

Q51. What strategies are used for managing secrets in GCP?

Ans. Google Secret Manager is often used for storing and managing highly sensitive information such as passwords, certificates and API keys. It is integrated with CI/CD pipelines to securely access secrets during deployment.

Q52. How can a blue-green deployment strategy be implemented on GCP?

Ans. Employ a Cloud Run or GKE to facilitate creation of two environments (blue and green). Next, deploy this new version to the green environment, consequently test it, and finally switch the entire traffic from the blue one to green seamlessly.

Q53. How is log analysis and aggregation managed in GCP?

Ans. Managing log analysis and aggregation includes using Cloud Logging for aggregating logs from multiple sources, creating log-based metrics and setting up filters for certain log entries. Cloud Logging's querying potential is used to analyze logs and then integrate seamlessly with Cloud Monitoring for alerts.

Q54. How is continuous deployment implemented for serverless apps on GCP?

Ans. Utilize Cloud Build for automating builds and deploying artifacts to Cloud Run or Cloud Functions. Set up triggers for automatically deploying new versions on either code commits or other related events.

Q55. How is governance and compliance ensured in a GCP DevOps environment?

Ans. Follow these aspects to ensure compliance by employing Cloud IAM for access control. One should set up audit logging, apply organization policies and also employ tools such as Cloud Security Command Center for monitoring and enforcing best practices around security.

Q56. How is Infrastructure as Code implemented using GCP?

Ans. IaC can be flawlessly implemented by using Terraform or Google Cloud Deployment Manager. First, define key infrastructure resources in configuration files and then employ deployment tools for creating and managing these resources in a programmatic manner.

Q57. What role does Google Cloud Build play in a CI/CD pipeline?

Ans. Google Cloud Build plays an imperative role in a CI/CD pipeline. It automates the compiling code, build process, producing artifacts and running tests. It also seamlessly integrates with key repositories to ultimately trigger builds on code commits. This guarantees continuous integration.

Q58. How does one ensure high availability for the apps that are deployed on GCP?

Ans. High availability for the apps can be guaranteed by deploying apps across various regions and zones. This is carried out by using auto-scaling, setting up failover mechanisms and global load balancing for handling failures.

Q59. What is the key purpose served by Google Cloud Armor?

Ans. The key purpose served by Google Cloud Armor is to present security policies for the protection of apps from DDoS attacks as well as other threats. It also facilitates the creation of custom security rules and IP-based access control.

Q60. Explain the role played by Anthos in the management of multi-cloud environments.

Ans. Anthos offers a single unified platform for managing, deploying, and monitoring apps across GCP, on-premises and even other cloud providers. It provides consistent governance and management spanning hybrid environments.

Q61. What is the utility of Cloud Scheduler in a GCP DevOps workflow?

Ans. Cloud Scheduler is employed in automating tasks as it schedules cron jobs for running at specified times. It can also trigger Pub/Sub topics, App Engine applications or HTTP/S endpoints. All these integrate with different GCP services to facilitate task automation.

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GCP Data Engineer Salary

Businesses today continue to adopt and stick to data-driven decision-making. There has been a steep increase in the demand for skilled data engineers in the past few years. Google Cloud Platform has bloomed out as a top cloud service provider. It offers some of the most amazing robust tools for data engineering on a global level.

This has led to a rise of popularity around the role of a GCP Data Engineer. These professionals have become highly sought after. Let's delve into the multiple factors that influence the salary earned by a GCP Data Engineer in India and the US. Some key factors are experience level, geographic location, specific skills and industry.

Roles & Responsibilities of A GCP Data Engineer

A GCP Data Engineer is highly responsible for building, managing and designing scalable data pipelines and infrastructure on the Google Cloud Platform. These professionals work extensively with multiple GCP services like Dataflow, BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage and Dataproc. All these help in ensuring efficient data storage, analysis and processing.

The role and responsibilities of these experts include extracting data from various sources, transforming it all to fit analytical requirements and then loading it into data lakes or data warehouses for further analysis.

Key responsibilities include-

  • Data Warehousing: They design and optimize data warehouses via BigQuery. This supports complex analytics and queries.
  • Data Pipeline Development: They create and maintain ETL processes to ensure data movement from the source systems to marked data repositories.
  • Data Migration: They plan and execute top data migration strategies to GCP, both from on-premises systems and associated cloud platforms.
  • Performance Optimization: They monitor and optimize the data processing systems' performance to flawlessly handle huge-scale data in an efficient manner.
  • Collaboration: They work in close proximation with data analysts, scientists and stakeholders to better understand data requirements. This helps them deliver apt solutions.
  • Data Quality: They implement validation processes and data quality checks to access data consistency and accuracy.
  • Security & Compliance: They take care of data compliance and security with associated regulations through IAM, encryption and many other security measures.

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Salary Earned by a GCP Data Engineer

Geographic Location

A big influencing factor is the employment location. It plays a significant role in affecting the salary earned by a GCP Data Engineer.

  • United States: Tech hubs such as New York, Seattle and Silicon Valley offer the highest and the best salaries. This is mainly because of the high cost of living there, along with an intense competition for talent among companies. The average salary in these areas usually range between $120k to $160k per annum. However, there are other regions that may also offer slightly lower salaries depending on the lower cost of living. In such places, the average salary is between $100k and $130k.
  • Asia: Asian countries like India and China are among the most rapidly growing tech hubs. These countries have witnessed a steep increase in tech opportunities and even salaries. In India, a GCP Data Engineer typically earns somewhere between INR 15,00,000 to INR 30,00,000 per year. In China, the approximate salary range is between Chinese Yuan 200k to Chinese Yuan 400k every year.
  • Europe: Europe is again a wide continent with varying lifestyle, cost of living and tech concentration. Countries such as Germany, Switzerland and the UK usually have good salaries to offer. These can range easily between EURO 70k to EURO 120k per annum. That said, many Eastern European countries offer lower salaries on average. These typically range between EURO 40k to EURO 70k per annum.
  • Australia & New Zealand: Talking about New Zealand and Australia, the typical average salary dodges between AUD 100k to AUD 140k annually. There are many factors that further influence the final price, such as employer and employee location and experience.

Experience Level

Experience is one of the biggest crucial factors in salary determination. In most cases, the more experience a professional holds, the higher and better their earning potential is expected to be.

  • Entry-Level: Entry-level or fresher GCP Data Engineers with 0-2 years of experience cannot expect to earn an amazing amount. In the US, their earning potential is usually between $70k and $90k per annum. The salary may be lower or higher in other regions.
  • Mid-Level: Mildly experienced professionals with a few years (3-5) of experience witness a significant salary increase. Mid-level engineers usually get a salary between $90k and $130k in the USA per year.
  • Senior-Level: Senior GCP Data Engineers are the ones having 5+ years of experience. These are the ones having extensive experience and might even hold additional certifications. Thus, they usually earn somewhere between $130k and $160k or even more per year.

Final Word For Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions

Acing Google Cloud Platform interview questions is imperative to secure a leading role in cloud computing. This means gaining in-depth understanding of cloud computing services, best practices and core concepts. Become the best with hands-on experience and continuous learning to enhance one's skills. Stay deterred to make oneself a competitive candidate in this growing cloud industry.

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