Blockchain Developer

Growing Demand For Blockchain Developer [Updated 2024]

Ketki Bhatia
March 8th, 2019
4:00 Minutes

Blockchain technology is rapidly moving towards the core of many sectors. This has led to a significant and steep rise in demand experienced by blockchain developers. Blockchain is an open-source, distributed ledger. It's capable of recording and storing information which is then secured by unique cryptographical designs.

Blockchain technology uses a centralized network of databases, also called nodes. The goal is to validate and record digital transactions between individual users located anywhere across the earth. These types of transactions often take place through the exchange of cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoins. The need for this tech rises from its unhackable architecture, which renders all user transactions authentic, transparent and authorized.

Once the verification is completed, a block is generated for each new transaction. This block consists of keys and hash. The transaction is linked to previous transactions in every database (DB). Each node updates its database with the new block. The security and transparency that is inherently present in these sorts of digital transactions place blockchain technology in high demand across various industrial applications.

Go through igmGuru's Blockchain developer training program to get deep-knowledge of blockchain technology and become a successful Blockchain developer.

Growing Demand for Blockchain Technology in Different Industries

Blockchain is gaining an advanced level of demand in almost all leading industries. There is no sector that is untouched by its excellence. In fact, many sectors, as mentioned below, are utilizing it for plenty of tasks. Let's understand the growing demand for blockchain in different industries.

1. Security

At the current time, cybersecurity attacks and data breaches are major concerns for individuals. Hackers often steal sensitive user information such as a PAN Number/Aadhar number to use it for a fraudulent transaction.

However, blockchain, as mentioned above, securely authenticates and authorizes the identity of a user without needing any sensitive information. Even the user's name is not required. Blockchain developer tutorials can play a major role in maintaining the cybersecurity of digital transactions in the coming years.

2. Banking

Banking service demands high security and hack proof technologies. Blockchain fits right into the financial services. Cryptocurrencies will allow users to become bankers themselves. Borrowing, exchanging and lending money over a centralized, transparent and secure framework. The currencies are not regulated by any central agencies.

Blockchain technology eliminates the need for a middleman. This decreases the chances of hacking, identity theft, and fraud. Every financial transaction can be digitally stored and verified. Since each transaction is verified, the implementation of blockchain in financial institutions and fintech companies can curb illegal activities such as money laundering.

3. Education

In the education field, deploying blockchain technology helps in verifying that the academic credentials of students are kept in a secure manner. Transcript and related material could be uploaded to an online system that uses blockchain technology.

Since it is centrally deployed, it's accessible to all concerned parties and is easily verifiable. Every single modification is recorded and then linked to a prior entry. Thus, a student cannot record incorrect/fraudulent data of unearned degrees since it will not pass the verification process.

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4. Medical Records

Blockchain can radically transform lives in the medical field. As a patient's data is uploaded to a centralized server, doctors get access to their patient's real-time medical conditions. This helps them in making the most appropriate diagnoses. Consequently, helping in timely, effective and cost-effective treatment, saving lives. It can also help protect the medical records of patients.

5. Charity

Charity in the form of food, clothes, cash, etc. is vulnerable since any of it can be stolen. In many cases, it does not reach the intended recipients due to a corrupt administration system.

Blockchain technology can be implemented to keep an eye on the entire digital flow of all the donated material. This begins at the donor and ends at the recipient. The need to deliver cash, food, and supplies through middlemen is eliminated.

A Career in the Blockchain Technology

More industries are coming to realize the immense benefits of deploying a blockchain system. Thus, a stark demand for professionals who have the knowledge to develop, manage, implement, and execute Blockchain technology is coming forward. Becoming such a professional might take time, effort and dedication, but the process will be worth it.

According to CNBC stats, Blockchain developers and managers are the highest-paid professionals among software engineers comparable only to those working on Artificial Intelligence. The demand for software engineers is expected to maintain an astounding growth rate of 24% up to 2025. Accordingly, Blockchain developers are paid a premium average salary of around $142K yearly.

How To Become A Blockchain Developer

A certified Blockchain developer is a skilled master who understands 'what is blockchain' in depth. They know about the capacities and uses of blockchain in depth. A good course will give a comprehensive outlook. An exam-based program is meant to give learners the essential information in the Blockchain space.

Blockchain technology is advancing quickly and is empowering organizations to fabricate convincing arrangements at a lesser expense. Ventures are attempting to recognize the correct ability to send in-house blockchain-based activities. A skilled professional knows programming languages (Java, Python, NodeJs, C/C++, etc.), database design skills, SQL, DotNet, networking, Ajax, cryptography computing skills, Agile Scrum, etc.


There is a heavily growing demand for blockchain developers around all leading sectors. Blockchain has become a rapidly adopted technology on a global level, which means the demand for such experts is growing heavily. Becoming a professional in this area is great for all those who wish to have a career in a leading tech field.

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