Introduction To Generative AI

Introduction To Generative AI [A Complete Series]

Vidhi Gupta
July 16th, 2024
20 Minutes

Generative AI, artificial intelligence's subset, creates new content. It produces different types of content like images, music and text. This is materialized by learning patterns from the existing, pre-fed data. While traditional AI focuses on categorization and analysis, gen AI models sprout original content that works like human creativity.

Introduction To Generative AI

This technology has heavily transformed various fields like entertainment, design and art. This has happened by automating various creative processes. It also improved natural language processing, which has led to sophisticated virtual assistants and chatbots. For the coming years, generative AI showcases promise in revolutionizing industries via innovative product designs, advanced problem-solving capabilities and personalized content. Thus, significant benefits will be offered, expanding the potential of machine creativity.

What is Generative AI? An Overview

Gen AI is a branch of AI that creates different types of new content. This includes text, music and images. It does so by learning patterns and movements from existing data. It mimics human creativity via models like Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

History of Generative AI

history of gen ai

Generative AI's history goes back to the mid-20th century. It all began with the growth and grooming of early AI concepts, along with neural networks. The term - Generative Adversarial Networks - was given by Ian Goodfellow in 2014. This was a major milestone in this journey. GANs is behind the revolutionization of the field as it enables machines in creating and sprouting highly realistic data.

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) were introduced before GANs in the early 2010s. These too played an important role in the advancement of generative models. The last decade has witnessed rapid evolution in these technologies. All this has led to impressive applications in various places like music, art, natural language processing, and more.

The continued enhancement of algorithms and computational power is driving generative AI's progress. All this has rendered it to be a transformative force across different industries. In fact, it is setting up the stage for future innovations.

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Use cases of Generative AI

Generative AI has plenty of applications across multiple industries. Here is a list containing some prominent use cases to know about -

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Generative AI improves NLP applications as it generates human-like text. It powers virtual assistants and chatbots, rendering interactions more intuitive and natural. AI models such as GPT-4 create summaries, translations and articles. This enhances language understanding and content creation

Art and Creativity

Gen AI can easily create original music, design and artwork. Artists employ tools such as GANs for producing unique pieces of art. AI is used by musicians for composing new harmonies and melodies. Designers utilize AI for generating innovative fashion items and product designs.


Gen AI synthesizes medical images for various training purposes in healthcare. This helps in rapid development of diagnostic models. Drug discovery also uses gen AI as it generates potential compounds and simulates their interactions. This accelerates new treatment development.

Marketing & Advertising

AI-generated content targets intended audiences more effectively. This includes marketing materials and personalized advertisements. This personalization enhances conversion rates and engagement. Hence, making marketing campaigns a bigger success.

Gaming & Entertainment

Generative AI can easily create new environments, scenarios and characters in video games. This improves the overall gaming experience. They also aid in generating animations and special effects for movies. Thus, making the entertainment industry more dynamic and innovative.


In finance, genAI models are used to predict market trends as well as stimulate economic scenarios. All this helps in making better investment decisions and finer risk management. Synthetic data is also generated by AI to train financial models. This ensures security and data privacy.

Product Design & Manufacturing

Gen AI optimizes product designing as it generates various design iterations within seconds as per the specific criteria. It helps in manufacturing by crafting detailed simulations and models. This improves efficiency and reduces costs.


Generative AI curates customized learning experiences. It does so by generating educational content that is tailored to fit individual student needs. It also develops intelligent tutoring systems with the ability to adapt to different learning paces and styles. All in all, it improves educational outcomes.

How Does Generative AI Work?

GenAI works simply by creating new and unique data that mimics the structure and patterns of current data. This is done through advanced ML models. Here is how it functions-

1. Core Models

i) Generative Adversarial Networks

  • Generator: It creates new data samples after learning from the distribution of the given training data.
  • Architecture: It comprises two neural networks - the discriminator and the generator. These are pitted against one another.
  • Discriminator: It evaluates the generated data, along with differentiating it from real data.
  • Training Process: Generator enhances its output according to the discriminator's feedback unless realistic data is created. The discriminator should not be able to distinguish it from real data.

ii) Variational Autoencoders

  • Encoder: It compresses input data into a smaller space.
  • Architecture: It comprises an encoder as well as a decoder network.
  • Decoder: It reconstructs the actual data from the smaller space representation.
  • Training Process: These employ probabilistic methods to make sure the data's underlying structure is captured by latent space. This allows generation of new and similar data.

Read complete article here to learn how does Gen AI work.

Introduction To Generative AI Tools

generative ai tools

Best Generative AI Tools

The best generative AI tools have the potential to cater to many different professional and creative needs. Each tool offers unique features, potential drawbacks and pricing structures. These are fit for both professional and personal uses.

1. OpenAI GPT-4

GPT-4 is the name of an advanced language model. It has the ability to understand and generate highly human-like text as per the given input. It's widely used for multiple applications. These include content creation, chatbots, summarization and translation.


  • Versatile Applications: It is apt for multiple industries and tasks.
  • High-Quality Text Generation: It produces contextually relevant and coherent text.
  • Robust API: It integrates easily into workflows and applications.


  • Contextual Memory Limitations: It somewhat struggles with maintenance of context over long conversations.
  • Costly: Its pricing can make it unsuitable for extensive use.
  • Ethical Concerns: Risk of generating inappropriate or biased content.


Begins at $0.06/ 1,000 tokens. Higher usage tiers are also available.

2. Google DeepDream

DeepDream by Google is a computer vision program. It employs convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to create and improve dream-like and surreal images. This is done by highlighting the patterns within images.


  • Customizable Parameters: Users can easily change settings as per their artistic style.
  • Creative Output: It fluently generates visually striking and unique images.
  • Open-Source: It is free and is supported by a huge community.


  • Technical Setup: It requires high technical expertise to be used effectively.
  • Niche Focus: It's primarily beneficial for creative and artistic applications.
  • Resource Intensive: It demands major computational power.



3. DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2, developed by OpenAI, is a generative model. It is popular for creating high-quality images as per the inserted textual descriptions. This has enabled production of creative and detailed visual outputs.


  • Innovative Applications: It is useful for design, creative content generation and marketing.
  • High-Quality Images: It produces imaginative and detailed images.
  • API Access: It is easy to integrate into multiple applications.


  • Ethical Issues: It can be misused in creating inappropriate or deepfakes content.
  • Access Restrictions: It may also require approval or have waitlists for access.
  • Cost: Can prove to be expensive for extensive use.


Pay-per-use. Approx. $0.10 per image generation.

Related Article- Top Five Generative AI Courses For Beginners

4. Artbreeder

Artbreeder is a popular collaborative platform. It employs generative adversarial networks (GANs) for creating and modifying images via a blend of user inputs.


  • High Customization: It has a wide range of parameters and styles to adjust.
  • Interactive & Collaborative: Users can easily blend images and share their creations.
  • Creative Community: It engages a wide user base for collaboration and inspiration.


  • Input Dependent: Its results vary as per the quality of the input.
  • Limited to Images: It primarily focuses on image creation.
  • Subscription Fees: A few of its features require paid subscriptions.


Free tier available. Premium plans commence at $8.99/ month.

5. AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist)

AIVA or Artification Intelligence Virtual Artist is an AI-powered music composition tool. It composes original music tracks for multiple uses. These could be commercials, games and even films.


  • Ease of Use: It has a super user-friendly interface that promotes quick composition.
  • Versatile Music Creation: It generates music in different genres and styles.
  • Licensing Options: It is apt for commercial use when done with proper licensing.


  • Creative Limitations: It often lacks the nuance and depth of human-composed music.
  • Subscription Costs: Its higher pricing tiers for commercial use makes it a heavy investment.
  • Service Dependence: It relies greatly on ongoing updates and support.


Free plan available. Premium subscriptions commence at $15/ month.

How Can Businesses Use Generative AI Tools?

Businesses can utilize generative AI tools for enhancing efficiency, creating personalized customer experiences and driving innovation across different domains. Here is how businesses utilize these tools.

1. Content Creation

Marketing & Advertising: These tools help in automating high-quality marketing material generation. This includes social media posts, email campaigns and advertisements. All of these are tailored to target audiences.

Blogging & Copywriting: They produce engaging articles, product descriptions and blog posts. This reduces the effort and time required for content creation.

2. Entertainment and Media

They help create music, video content and scripts. This enables highly efficient production processes throughout the entertainment industry.

Explore how can businesses use Generative AI tools here in this article.

Introduction To Generative AI Models

top generative ai models

Top Generative AI Models

Generative AI models are behind the revolution that many fields are enjoying. It has done so by enabling the creation of original and new content. Some of the most popular and widely used generative AI models are-

1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

GANs were invented by Ian Goodfellow in 2014. These include two neural networks. The first is the generator and second is the discriminator. Both of these are pitted against one another. The former creates data, while the latter evaluates it. This leads to significantly enhanced outputs.


  • Video synthesis
  • Image generation (e.g., DeepArt, StyleGAN)
  • Data augmentation


  • High-quality & realistic outputs
  • Various distinct applications in multiple domains


  • Training might be unstable & needs high-level computational resources

2. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

VAEs were invented by Kingma & Welling in 2013. These encode input data inside a latent space. Once there, it is decoded back. The purpose is to introduce some noise for the creation of variability in the outputs.


  • Anomaly detection
  • Image & video generation
  • Data compression


  • Apt for generating distinct outputs
  • Robust training process


  • Outputs are generally less sharp as compared to GANs

Also Read- A Roadmap To Learn Generative AI

3. Transformer-based Models

Transformer-based models were invented by Vaswani et al. in 2017. Transformers employ self-attention mechanisms for processing input data in parallel. This renders them exceptionally beneficial for sequence-to-sequence tasks.


  • Language translation (for instance, BERT)
  • Text generation (for instance, GPT-4)
  • Question answering


  • Brilliant at understanding & generating human language
  • Great range of NLP applications


  • Large models need extensive computational resources
  • Various ethical concerns in relation to text generation

4. DALL-E 2

DALL-E2 was invented by OpenAI in 2021. It is a popular model that fluently generates images from the textual descriptions entered by the users. It employs a blend of diffusion techniques and transformer models.


  • Marketing & advertising visuals
  • Artistic creation
  • Concept art


  • Produces high-quality & detailed images efficiently from text prompts
  • Many creative applications


  • Limited access because of ethical considerations & high demand

5. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) & Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)

Both of these were invented by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber in 1997. LSTMs and RNNs are crafted to work with sequential data. This is done by maintaining a core memory of previous inputs. This makes them apt for language data and time-series.


  • Text generation
  • Music generation
  • Time-series forecasting


  • Best for tasks around sequential data
  • Easily model temporal dependencies


  • Training is usually slow & complex
  • Showcase less effectiveness than transformers, especially for some NLP tasks

Related Article- Career in Generative AI

Types of Generative AI Models

Generative AI models comprise plenty of technologies crafted to create new content. This content could be text, images, music, or any other forms of media. Some of the most prominent types of generative AI models are-

1. Generative Adversarial Networks

GANs have two neural networks- a generator and a discriminator. The first one creates synthetic data like text or images. The second one evaluates the generated data's authenticity against real examples. This process leads to continuous improvement in the generator output unless it produces only highly realistic content. They are used widely in different image generation tasks like enhancing visual data and creating photorealistic images.

2. Transformer-based Models

Transformers have completely revolutionized NLP tasks. This is done by using self-attention mechanisms for processing and generating sequences of data. Its models like GPT can generate contextually relevant and coherent text as per the given input. Transformers are great in tasks like text summarization, dialogue generation and language translation.

3. Variational Autoencoders

VAEs work by understanding a latent representation of input data. It comprises an encoder and a decoder. The first one compresses the input data into a latent space. The second reconstructs data from the said latent space. This model introduces high randomness into the latent space. It enables new data sample generation, which mimics the original data distribution. They are used in anomaly detection, data compression and image synthesis.

Want to explore the types of Generative AI models? Read full article here.

Introduction To Generative AI Applications

generative ai applications

Applications of Generative AI

Generative AI is being extensively applied across different industries. It uses its ability to create original content autonomously to gain this wide recognition. Top applications of generative AI are-

Content Creation

Gen AI automates the process of content creation across various media formats. It generates social media posts, email campaigns and personalized advertisements in marketing and advertising. These are personalized to reach specific audiences. This improves conversion rates and engagement as relevant and appealing content is delivered.

Healthcare & Medicine

Generative AI assists in diagnostics and medical imaging analysis in healthcare. These models produce synthetic medical images to simulate biological processes and train diagnostic algorithms for drug discovery. This enhances accuracy in disease diagnostics while accelerating research in pharmaceuticals.

Natural Language Processing

NLP applications gain high level benefit from gen AI models such as GPT. These models are capable of translating languages, generating human-like text, engaging in coherent dialogue and summarizing documents. They drive chatbots, customer service automation and virtual assistants. Thus, enhancing service efficiency and user interactions.

Finance and Business Intelligence

Financial institutions employ gen AI for risk assessment and predictive analytics. AI models are able to analyze market trends, simulate economic scenarios and predict financial outcomes. It assists in risk management strategies and investment decision-making.

Art & Creativity

Gen AI models like VAEs and GANs have exceptionally revolutionized the creative and art industries. Designers and artists employ these models for generating unique designs, multimedia compositions and artworks. For instance, Google's DeepDream transforms images into highly artistic and surreal renditions.

Design & Product Development

Gen AI helps in designing and development of products. This is done by iterating and generating design prototypes. It helps designers in quickly exploring various variations, which further optimizes product aesthetics and features as per consumer feedback and preferences. This increases the pace of the innovation cycle, leading to shorter time-to-market for new products.

Entertainment & Media

Gen AI improves entertainment experiences for everyone. This is achieved by creating content like video editing, special effects and music compositions. It generates visual effects, virtual characters and background scores for games, virtual reality simulations and movies. Thus, enriching storytelling and immersion.

Education & Training

In the field of education, gen AI provides support to personalized learning experiences. It creates educational content customized as per individual student needs. This includes interactive quizzes, learning materials and tutorials. AI-powered tutoring systems change as per and learning styles and progress, improving educational outcomes.

Also Read- How To Learn Generative AI

Future of Generative AI Applications

Those who're wondering what the future of generative AI applications look like have come to the right place. This list contains some of the top future prospects.

  • Environmental Sustainability

Gen AI is expected to contribute to environmental sustainability. It will do so by reducing waste and optimizing resource use. These will design more energy-efficient buildings, improve agricultural practices and create sustainable materials. It will aid in promoting sustainable development while addressing climate change.

  • Legal & Compliance

It will automate contract drafting, legal research and document generation in the legal field. Creation of personalized legal documents as per specific client needs will ensure compliance around regulations. Legal processes will be streamlined, reducing costs and enhancing access to legal services.

Read full article here to explore the future of Generative AI Applications.

Career in Generative AI

career in generative ai

Making a career in the gen AI field offers many exciting opportunities across multiple industries. These include healthcare, tech, entertainment, finance, and many more. Certified professionals in this sector usually possess in-depth understanding of machine learning, data science and computer science. Top associated roles include machine learning engineers, AI researchers, AI ethics specialists and data scientists.

Gen AI specialists are tasked with developing models such as VAEs, transformers and GANs. These help in creating new content, innovating products and optimizing processes. These professionals work on various projects like creating realistic images and videos, enhancing drug discovery and developing personalized customer experiences.

There is a growing demand for generative AI professionals. It is due to the rising advancements in AI technologies as well as their increasing applications. It is an attractive career path because of competitive salaries and opportunities for further research and development.

Jobs In Generative AI

The demand for skilled professionals in generative AI is rapidly growing. There are many jobs in the field of Gen AI today that can be explored for a bright career.

  • AI Research Scientist

AI research scientists conduct advanced research for developing new generative AI models and algorithms. Their responsibilities include -

Publishing their research findings in academic conferences and journals.

Designing and experimenting with unprecedented AI architectures.

Collaborating with other institutions and researchers.

  • Data Scientist

A data scientists' role is to analyze and interpret complicated data. The goal is to train and enhance genAI models. Their responsibilities include -

Training models and evaluating their performance.

Collecting and preprocessing gigantic datasets.

Generating reports and insights from AI-oriented data analysis.

  • Machine Learning Engineer

A machine learning engineer is tasked with Implementing and optimizing gen AI models. These help in real-world applications. Their responsibilities include -

Fine-tuning gen models such as VAEs, transformers and GANs.

Developing and deploying ML models.

Integrating AI solutions into the current system and platform.

  • AI Ethics Specialist

An AI ethics specialist makes sure that generative AI technologies are ethically used. Their responsibilities include -

Monitoring AI apps for fairness and bias.

Developing base guidelines for all ethical AI practices.

Advocating for responsible usage of AI and compliance with all established regulations.

  • AI Product Manager

A product manager manages all the development and deployment that goes into AI-powered solutions and products. Their responsibilities include -

Coordinating between research, marketing and engineering teams.

Defining roadmaps and product requirements.

Ensuring AI products are as per user needs as well as business objectives.

  • AI Consultant

AI consultants play a huge role in advising organizations regarding the best way of implementing and benefiting from gen AI. Their key responsibilities include -

Offering strategic guidance regarding AI adoption.

Assessing client needs as well as potential AI uses.

Helping clients in developing and deploying AI solutions.

How To Become Generative AI Engineer

Becoming a gen AI engineer includes gaining theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills. Key areas are AI, ML and data science. This guide is great for embarking on this path-

Meet Educational Qualifications

Commence by getting a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, or such field. Learn everything about algorithms, programming, linear algebra and data structures. One can also pursue an advanced degree. Gain specialization in AI, ML or data science. There are plenty of research opportunities after experience in DL and neural networks.

Gain Technical Skills

Begin by gaining proficiency in programming languages such as R, JavaScript and Python. Python is especially useful in AI development. There are many ML frameworks and libraries that can be perfected. These include PyTorch, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn and Keras. Learn about preprocessing, analyzing, and visualizing data through tools like NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas.

Perfect Deep Learning & Generative Models

Begin by understanding the fundamentals of neural networks. These include convolutional (CNNs), feedforward, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Also, divert focus towards excelling at specific generative models. These are GANs, VAEs and transformer models.

Want to know how to become AI Engineer? Read full article here.

Generative AI Engineer Salary

generative ai engineer salary

Understanding generative AI engineer's salaries is a key step. Every professional aims at earning a good amount. This is only possible if they pick the right career route. While there are no doubts about gen AI's future, it is certain that knowing about its associated salary beforehand will be helpful.

Generative AI engineers play a huge role in the development of cutting-edge AI technologies. These technologies further enable machines in creating content autonomously. There is a rising demand for these professionals, which is driven by the innovation and complexity of their work.

High-Demand Industries

  • Technology: The tech sector is considered to be the largest employer today of gen AI engineers. Many leading tech giants like Facebook, Apple and Google are always on the search for talented professionals to develop and improve AI services and products. The salaries in this sector are certainly among the top ones.
  • Finance: All leading financial institutions are using AI for risk management, fraud detection and algorithmic trading. This field provides high salaries, which is why many of these engineers get into this field.
  • Healthcare: AI is behind the constant revolution that is happening in healthcare. It has enabled personalized medicine, drug discovery and diagnostics at a much rapid pace. Since the demand for AI-driven healthcare solutions is growing, their salaries are quite lucrative too.
  • Entertainment & Media: A lot of leading companies in the entertainment and media industry are leveraging AI for content creation. This includes movies, music and video games. The growth in the OTT culture has increased the demand for such engineers in this field. Consequently, they are also being paid well.

Geographic Location


  • Mumbai: This city is the financial capital of India and harbors a plethora of gen AI engineers. The salaries offered range between INR 9 LPA to INR 27 LPA.
  • Bangalore: This is India's Silicon Valley that offers the highest salaries in most cases. For such professionals, it offers between INR 10 LPA to INR 30 LPA.
  • Delhi-NCR: It's a growing tech space with great scope of growth for AI engineers. The average earning number ranges between INR 8 LPA to INR 26 LPA.

United States

  • New York City: It's known for its media and finance industries and offers great salaries. These usually range between $150k to $220k.
  • Silicon Valley: This is the tech hub and provides the top salaries for generative AI engineers. These usually exceed $200k annually, even for mid-level positions.
  • Austin & Seattle: Both of these are emerging tech hubs and offer highly competitive salaries. They usually earn between $130k to $180k.


  • London: It is a top financial center and provides gen AI engineers with competitive salaries. It usually range between Pound 80k to Pound 150k.
  • Berlin: It is witnessing a growing tech scene. The salaries offered lie between Euro 70k and Euro 130k.

Want to explore Generative AI Engineer Salary? Read full article here.


Gen AI showcases a transformative jump in technology. It has enabled machines to create new and unique content across multiple domains. Its potential benefits and applications are vast. It has become a critical focus area for future advancements in AI.

This technology is rapidly transforming various industries by automating different creative processes. Consequently, it is improving natural language processing. All this enables personalized content, advanced problem-solving capabilities and innovative product designs.

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