What Is Salesforce Marketing Cloud? Key Components and Benefits

September 30th, 2023
Salesforce Marketing Cloud

We are living at advanced times when everything around us is digitally influenced. Whether we talk on a personal or professional front, we expect to receive and give the best through online means. For businesses, the one platform that is making it all happen is Salesforce. In this blog, we will give you  a better insight into the key components and benefits of one of Salesforce's platforms and which Salesforce Marketing Cloud certification to go for.

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

SF Marketing Cloud, more popularly known as SFMC is a Salesforce platform or umbrella brand. It serves a lot of purposes including digital marketing, analytics, personalization, marketing automation, multi-channel engagement, etc.

This platform is a compilation of SaaS or Software-as-a-Service products. There are different products under the Marketing Cloud brand by Salesforce.-

  • Marketing Cloud Engagement
  • Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
  • Marketing Cloud Intelligence
  • Marketing Cloud Personalization

The Marketing Cloud products by Salesforce have the company's own AI called Einstein woven into it.

Who Uses SF Marketing Cloud?

We all know how Cloud Computing is entirely changing the face of future innovations. And do you know who is a leader in the field of Cloud Computing? Salesforce.

As more businesses understand the value of investing in a good cloud facilitator, the demand for Salesforce professionals rises. Similarly, more organizations from different industries are using SFMC to support marketing automation. Some of the industries where Salesforce is extensively used are -

  • Retail & ECommerce
  • Hospitality 
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Professional Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Non-profits
  • real-estate
  • Education
  • Government 

What are the benefits of Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

With SFMC, companies enjoy a lot of benefits. Here are some of the top benefits of employing SFMC -

1. Understand Customer Better

With SFMC, all your interactions with the customers can be personalized. This is because the customer's data from various devices and sources is gathered to build a customer profile. Thus, helping in understanding the customer and their needs better.

2. Throws Light on the entire Customer Journey

The SFMC platform makes the professional aware of the entire customer journey. This helps businesses in understanding the customer's mindset and patterns.

3. Multi-channel Messaging

Companies are now able to stay in front of the customer's eyes by sending them updates and messages on various platforms. This includes SMS, mails, and push notifications. These messages are personalized to ensure it appeals to the receiver.

4. Customize with Artificial Intelligence

Salesforce uses Einstein that provides various applications to cover areas. This includes understanding what notifications to send to which customer, deciding the frequency, how to send it, and how to personalize it further. Thus, everything is according to what the customer is most likely to respond positively to.

5. Generate Leads Quickly

With the aid of SFMC, companies can generate leads via social media posts, website content, and email campaigns. You will have the necessary data to know whom to target where. 

Don't forget to checkout this- Top 5 Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

What are SFMC's Key Components?

SFMC is composed of a wide array of tools and features to help companies discover and understand their customers. It also facilitates companies in customizing the content that is sent out. Here are its components that make it happen -

1. Journey Builder

It is a visual mapping solution that creates personalized customer journeys via various channels.

2. Data Studio

It is a data sharing tool that connects marketers with publishers to gain unique customer insights.

3. Advertising Studio

It lets you take a step towards digital advertising to help manage the retargeting, alignment, and acquisition campaigns.

4. Email Studio

It helps in strengthening customer relationships by sending across the right message at the right time via email campaigns.

5. Interaction Studio

It is a real-time engagement tool that helps in visualizing, tracking, and managing customer experiences in real-time.

6. Social Studio

It aids in creating highly personalized social media campaigns to turn social media followers into customers.

7. Salesforce DMP

Previously known as Krux, it is a data management platform. It aids marketers in gathering information from external sources and Salesforce to create concentrated customer profiles.

8. Mobile Studio

Push notifications, SMS, and group messaging is used to pursue customers to engage.

Top Salesforce Marketing Cloud Certification

Salesforce is offering six Salesforce Marketing Cloud certifications to help aspirants get started in their careers. Here are the names -

  • SFMC Administrator 
  • SFMC Consultant
  • SFMC Email Specialist
  • SFMC Account Engagement Consultant
  • SFMC Account Engagement Specialist

Will a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Training be Useful?

Many people wonder whether they should go for Salesforce Marketing Cloud training or they should settle for free online tutorials and informative videos. In our opinion, it is best to go for an official training. Here's why-

  • It helps you overcome all your limits 
  • It ensures you give an enhanced performance
  • You get more satisfied with what you have learned
  • You learn from industry experts with many years of relevant experience and expertise
  • Your confidence level takes a boost

Where Should You Search For Salesforce Marketing Cloud Certification Jobs?

If you are wondering where you can search for Salesforce Marketing Cloud certification jobs, then there is the entire internet in front of you to go to. There are plenty of job portals you can apply on.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to be watchful of your time. Do not waste your time going after jobs just for the sake of it. Apply for jobs that revolve around your training and certification.

Top portals to help you find a job are -

  • LinkedIn
  • Naukri.com
  • Indeed 


It is not an easy task to sum up what SFMC platform is. However, we have given it a shot. If you are searching for the right Salesforce Marketing Cloud training program, then it is best to go with only the best one. You will also get across some of the best trainers and guidance counselors there. 

Salesforce has a bright future ahead of itself. If you begin today, you will be a full-fledged part of the field in the coming few months.


Q1. Does SFMC offer real-time customer service?

Ans. Yes, SFMC offers real-time delivery of customer service in the best and most personalized way possible. 

Q2. Is Salesforce Marketing Cloud high in demand?

Ans. Yes, SFMC is high in demand today and will continue to be in demand in the coming years. This platform is changing the way businesses are performing digital marketing.

Q3. Is SF Marketing Cloud B2C? 

Ans. SFMC is best suited for B2C. 

Q4. Who is Salesforce's biggest client?

Ans. Amazon and Walmart Inc. are Salesforce's biggest clients.

Q5. What is the average salary of a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer in India?

Ans. The average salary of a SFMC Developer in India is Rs. 6.8 LPA.

Course Schedule

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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Training
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Training
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